Let’s Talk Business: Getting Yourself and Your Business Noticed on Social Media / Dando a Conocer tu Negocio en las Redes Sociales
Join the Virginia Hispanic Chamber every other Friday morning for a conversation on different topics that are of the interest of the Small Businesses Community. Each meeting includes a Q&A session. Questions in both, English and Spanish language are welcomed and encouraged.
This week, join us for a conversation around the topic “Getting yourself and your business noticed on social media” and learn ways to leverage your social media platforms to help your business.
¡Hablemos de negocios!
Acompaña a la Cámara Hispana de Virginia los viernes por la mañana y atiende talleres virtuales sobre temas de interés para pequeños negocios. Cada taller aborda un tema diferente e incluye una sesión de preguntas y respuestas. Aprovecha y aborda todas tus preguntas!
July, 11
1:30am - 2:30am