Fairfax NOVA: Where Business Comes To Dent The Universe.

  • February 8, 2025

    Space Companies Are Reaching Sky-high Success in Fairfax NOVA

      El Gardner, Vice President of Space Operations at Fairfax County-based Aperio Global, discusses what’s ahead for the space industry with the Washington Business Journal in a video interview. The space industry is reaching sky-high success in Fairfax County. Leading global firms and cutting-edge startups continue to expand operations in the region. Fairfax NOVA’s unique combination […]
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  • February 1, 2025

    How T-Mobile Innovates for its Customers from its Hub in Fairfax NOVA

    T-Mobile, a global leader in the telecommunications sector, expanded its presence in Fairfax County with the opening of a new hub in Herndon. Comprising six floors and 220,750 square feet, the innovative space has a striking interior design, with ultra contemporary furnishings utilizing eco-friendly practices. Operations at this building are focused on sales, technical and […]
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Where Icons Come to Reinvent

Experience Exponential Growth in Fairfax NOVA

In Fairfax NOVA, we do big things. The kind that have ripple effects on the rest of the world. How we work and live, connect and shape the future is happening here right now. Here, our physical and digital infrastructure doesn’t lock you in, it sets you free to pivot and explore, discover and expand and try everything. Your next big move can happen here, too, so start today.

Fairfax NOVA Advantage

Four people work in a room filled with desktop computers and monitors displaying a view of the Earth from space.

Leading Employers

Fairfax NOVA is home to world leaders from Fortune 500s to global corporations determining outcomes of significance that birth new industries and inaugurate new eras.

Find a Community of Global Leaders
In a science lab, a woman holding a clipboard explains a piece of technical equipment to a young student standing by.

Workforce of the Future

In Fairfax NOVA, we don’t just attract top talent to fill your open jobs. We also invent it. Right now, we are rewriting learning with educators at every level to create a new workforce—one that will have mastered tech and science skills for jobs that don’t exist today but will in the near future.

Find Talent for Today and Tomorrow
A building and sculpture at Capital One Center in Tysons, Virginia.

Capital Investment and Incentives

Business is facilitated in Fairfax NOVA by robust access to financial lenders and a Capital Attraction Program that initiated over a billion in equity investments in 2023.

Find Funding for Growth

Free and Confidential Soft Landing Services

Need help making an informed decision on your next move and how to best enter, relocate or expand in the U.S. market? Fairfax NOVA has a reach that extends throughout the world — providing companies with a seamless, soft landing in Fairfax NOVA.

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