Your On-the-Ground Partner
Ensuring Business Success in Fairfax NOVA
The Fairfax County Economic Development Authority (FCEDA) promotes Fairfax NOVA as one of the world’s brightest and boldest business centers. We offer an array of services and information to assist new, expanding and relocating companies and organizations, whether domestic or international. Reach out to any of our staff for support in your business journey.

Victor Hoskins
President & CEOVictor Hoskins is an MIT trained Urban Planner and Real Estate Executive, overseeing the growth of the largest economy in Virginia. At FCEDA, Mr. Hoskins leads a team that has secured approximately $3 billion in capital investment and worked with companies that have announced the creation of more than 38,000 jobs. He also launched a multi-faceted talent initiative aimed at attracting, retaining, retraining and growing the workforce in Northern Virginia. Mr. Hoskins received a Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award in 2023 and is frequently chosen for lists of the most influential business leaders in Virginia and the Greater Washington area.

Alex Iams
Executive Vice President
Anna Nissinen
Senior Vice President
Donna Hurwitt
Vice President, Operations
David Kelley
Vice President, Business Investment
Robin Geiger
Vice President, Marketing and Communications
Michael Batt
Vice President, Talent

Sandra White
Director, Operations and HR
Karen Smaw
Director, Diversity Business Investment and Entrepreneurship
John Blair
Director, National Business Investment
Brian Han
Director, International Business Investment, Asia
Stephen Tarditi
Director, Market Intelligence
Andrew Taherzadeh
Director, Marketing and Communications
Asher Kotz
Assistant Director, International Business Investment, Cybersecurity, Israel, India akotz@fceda.orgAsher Kotz
Assistant Director, International Business Investment, Cybersecurity, Israel, India
Alex Thalacker
Assistant Director, National Business Investment
Alexander Sanchez
Manager, National Business Investment, Software, Data Analytics and Cloud Computing asanchez@fceda.orgAlexander Sanchez
Manager, National Business Investment, Software, Data Analytics and Cloud Computing

John Hoeveler
Business Investment Manager
Spencer Wood
Manager, National Business Investment

Yoselin Peñas
Manager, International Business Investment, Continental Europe

Sharon Reed
Manager, International Business Investment - Retention and Expansion
Anuj Sahay
Manager, International Business Investment, U.K., India and Canada
Andrew McCue
Manager, National Business Investment – Aerospace, Government Contracting and IT amccue@fceda.orgAndrew McCue
Manager, National Business Investment – Aerospace, Government Contracting and ITFeatured News

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How T-Mobile Innovates for its Customers from its Hub in Fairfax NOVA